How to Meditate? Simple Steps to Meditation

Many starters of meditation find it strange to sit in silence and attain the mindfulness that practitioners of meditation tell them about. For them, it is an impossible feat to do nothing and be connected to your mind by emptying its content. To a beginner, meditation feels like impossible. But the truth is it becomes easier as you practice. In fact, people have been meditating in the last 3,000 years ago as well as students in martial arts class Washington DC 

Perhaps you want to meditate because you have seen the benefits it provides. Whether you want to be less stressed and reactive and be more focused or you want to attain the complete peace of mind and improve your overall being, meditation helps you connect with your mind and body, making you fully aware and conscious, which fundamentally change your perspectives about yourself, others, and life in general.  


Why is perspective-changing is such an important aspect of meditation? It is because our perspective creates the reality of our existence, and changing it also changes our life. Other popular benefits of meditation include: 

  • Understanding physical and mental pain  
  • Reducing stress 
  • Improving focus 
  • Connecting better to self, surrounding, and others 
  • Reducing brain chatter that results in a peaceful temperament.  


Basic meditation for beginners 

Practically, one way to achieve mindfulness and genuine meditation is to make our objective feasible and being conscious of it. So, here, you need to keep in mind that meditation is not something that erases your thoughts, giving you an empty and spacious brain. While the old tradition of Chinese believed in this type of meditation, modern interpretation and approach to mediation is now becoming more and more popular as it is feasible and logical.  


Meditation now is aimed for mindfulness, bringing our attention to our breath and controlling the wandering of our mind.  



  1. You need to be comfortable and prepare yourself to sit for a couple of minutes. 
  2. You need to remain focused on your breath. Where do you feel your breath most: nose or belly? Keep your attention close to how you inhale and exhale. 
  3. Keep it in two minutes. Breathe slowly and keep track of your breathing for two minutes. 


The following are the full steps to meditation.  


Complete meditation 

Take a seat. Find a comfortable place where you can sit for a few minutes. Make sure it is quiet and calming. 


  1. Set a time limit. When you are a beginner, you can opt for a short time like five to ten minutes. 


  1. Pay attention to your body. Make yourself comfortable. Whether you are kneeling, sitting with legs crossed, it does not matter. Just make sure you are comfortable and stable.  


  1. Pay attention to your breathing. Follow your breathing once you inhale and exhale. 


  1. Get back to breathing hen your mind wanders. You will begin to notice that your mind begins to wander after some time of meditation. Return your attention to your breathing once this happens. Try not to be punishing of yourself when your mind wanders off. Do not feel guilty, annoyed, or frustrated as these emotions keep your mind preoccupied. Once your mind wanders off, just simply get back to breathing.  


  1. End it with kindness  
  1. Once you are done, open your eyes and be mindful of your environment. Listen to the silence and pay attention to your body. Notice how your body and mind feel right now.  



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